Japanese souvenir jackets, also called “Sukajan” , are best known for their eye-catching designs. The jacket’s popularity has been on the rise in recent years ever since international celebrities like Katy Perry and Pharrell Williams were regularly spotted wearing them.
This reversible jacket doubles your styling options.
The black and white face features Cherry Blossoms and flying dragon embroidery.
The black reverse side features Golden Koi Carp fish embroidery.
*** NOTE: Asian sizes are 2x smaller than US sizes. If your US size is Large (L), the equivalent Asian size is 2XL. Please refer to the Size Chart for comparison Asian sizes. Please kindly double-check the size measurement, especially chest size. If unsure, please message me by providing your height, weight and chest size! ***
Fit Type: Small
Materials: Satin
Thickness: Midweight
Pockets: Yes
Closure Type: Zipper